
Rabu, 21 Oktober 2020


  1. Atmika, I.K.A. 2016. Diktat Mata Kuliah: Metode Numerik. Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana.
  2. Bloomfield, V.A. 2014. Using R for Numerical Analysis in Science and Engineering. CRC Press
  3. Howard, J.P. 2017. Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis with R. CRC Press.
  4. Jones, O. Maillardet, R. Robinson, A. 2014. Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R. CRC Press
  5. Kreyszig, E. 2011. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
  6. Sanjaya, M. 2015. Metode Numerik Berbasis Phython. Penerbit Gava Media: Yogyakarta.
  7. Sudiadi dan Teguh R. 2015. Metode Numerik. STMIK

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